25 best monuments of Saratov


Every aspect of Saratov's life is reflected in the monuments installed throughout the city. The revolutionary past and events of the Great Patriotic War are highlighted in the monuments of different years. One of the most noticeable in every sense is "Cranes". Thanks to the 40-meter pylons, the wedge can be seen from different points of the area.

Some monuments have received new meanings. For example, a lady and a girl used to be part of a sculptural composition in honor of Alexander II, and now they have become a monument to the first teacher. Historical figures like Kirov or Stolypin are marked with personalized monuments. Monuments to outstanding cultural figures such as Oleg Tabakov and Oleg Yankovsky were also opened. The city also does not forget about its traditions. This is confirmed by the picturesque monument to the Saratov accordion.

Historical and modern monuments of Saratov

List of the most famous monuments and sculptures in the city.

Monument to the first teacher

Installed in 1996 in a public garden where Solyanaya and Moskovskaya streets intersect. This monument was previously part of the composition in honor of Alexander II. However, after the revolution, all 4 of its components disappeared. The lady and the girl, bending over the book, were able to survive, but were kept away from human eyes. Subsequently, the concept was revised and given a new meaning to the old monument, dedicating it to the first teacher.


The creation of the memorial to the architect Menyakin was inspired by Gamzatov's poems, which became a famous song. The monument was erected by 1982. It is located on a man-made hill in Victory Park. The pylons holding the crane wedge are 40 meters high. The architectural ensemble of the memorial also includes the Walk of Fame. It is paved with paving stones, which is a symbol: it is the path to victory from the paving stones of Red Square to Berlin's paving stones.

Monument to Yu.A. Gagarin

Opened in 1995. The height of the composition is about 5.5 meters. The authors tried to catch Gagarin's movements. The project began to be implemented in 1990. The monument was cast in bronze in Mytishchi, but the region did not have the money to redeem it. For several years, the sculpture was kept in a warehouse. When the financial issue was settled, it was brought to Saratov and a suitable place for installation was chosen - the Cosmonauts Embankment.

Monument to the Saratov accordion

The opening took place in 2009 on Kirov Avenue. The project was ordered by Express-Volga Bank as a gift to residents for the City Day. The author is Vladimir Palmin. The sculpture is cast in bronze. Since there is free space on the bench next to the accordion player sitting at the lamppost, the monument has become a favorite place for photo shoots. Sometimes a nearby speaker plays songs from a local band.

Monument to V.I.Lenin

The grand opening was timed to coincide with Lenin's 100th anniversary in 1970. The sculptor is Alexander Kibalnikov. Architect - Yuri Menyakin. Height - 9 meters. The sculpture stands on a pedestal on Teatralnaya Square, formerly known as Revolution Square. On the front edge the surname of the leader of the proletariat is engraved in large letters. Bronze Lenin presses one hand to his chest, and the other seems to be pointing at someone.

"There are so many golden lights"

The monument is intended to perpetuate the song that has become the unofficial anthem of the city. He appeared on Kirov Avenue in 2009. The sculptor is Nikolai Bunin. Sponsor - "Megafon", thus celebrating 10 years of work in the region. The composition consists of a bronze young man holding a bouquet in his hands, and a lamppost with a clock. Local belief says: the next photo is for an imminent wedding for the girls.

Monument to Cyril and Methodius

It has been located on Astrakhan street since 2009. The second monument of the city in honor of Cyril and Methodius. The first is the worship cross on Teatralnaya Square. The author of the project is Alexey Rozhnikov. He erected a similar monument in Kolomna. Height - 4.5 meters. The figures of the founders of Russian writing themselves are bronze, and the pedestal on which they are located is made of red granite. The alphabet from the scroll in Cyril's hands caused a public controversy.

Monument to F.E.Dzerzhinsky

Installed on the forecourt in 1939. The composition was created by Karpov and Dunduk. The figure of Dzerzhinsky, on whose hand a bird sits, was hoisted on a high pedestal. This part of the monument was borrowed from the lost monument to Alexander II. In 1977, a reconstruction took place, during which the revolutionary was turned 180 ° so that he stood with his back to the station.

Monument to the city officer

Decorated the area in front of the Cascade fountain in 2015. The sculptor is Sergey Kirin. The project was sponsored by the founders of the Orthodoxy and Modernity Foundation. The prototype of the monument is Vasily Grishin, a private bailiff who lived in the city in the 19th century. He gained fame and respect from his fellow countrymen, as he solved the problem with the pipeline, which existed for 30 years. Now a bronze policeman stands guard over Saratov.

Monument to N.G. Chernyshevsky

Stands on the square of the same name. In the past, there was a monument to Alexander II on this site. The author of the first monument, which appeared in 1918, was the sculptor Dunduk. The bust was made of plaster or concrete and covered with black paint. Since the materials did not contribute to durability, a competition was announced to create a new monument. The work of Alexander Kibalnikov won. The monument was opened in 1953.

Monument to Oleg Tabakov

Installed near the Academic Opera and Ballet Theater in 2015. The opening ceremony was attended by Tabakov himself, members of his family and friends. The composition consists of two parts. The first is Oleg Savin, walking along the path, whom Tabakov played in "The Noisy Day", the second is the cat Matroskin sitting a little further away, voiced by Oleg Pavlovich in the cartoon "Prostokvashino". The monument symbolizes the creative path of the actor.


Year of installation - 2010. Location - embankment. Bronze statues - a pair of classmates. The young man is leaning on the desk, the girl is sitting on the bench. The project was ordered by the city administration by organizing a competition. Sponsored the creation of Express-Volga Bank. Many people associate the name with the social network of the same name. This helped the monument to quickly be remembered and popular.

Monument to Pyotr Stolypin

Opened in 2002 on the square of the same name. Stolypin became famous as a reformer and prime minister, but he was also the governor of Saratov. The installation of the monument was timed to coincide with his 140th birthday. Authors - Vladimir Talkov and Vyacheslav Klykov. A 3.5-meter-high figure of Stolypin was erected on a four-meter pedestal, and a priest, a warrior, a peasant and a blacksmith were placed around.

Monument to the Fighters of the 1917 Revolution

It appeared on the site of a mass grave, where the victims of the counter-revolutionary uprising in 1918 were buried. Initially, the monument was a brick crypt with a wooden platform and an obelisk. In 1957, a massive 7.5-meter-high monument was erected here. Three figures are woven into one composition: a worker picks up a banner that is dropped by a wounded soldier, and a sailor prepares to throw a grenade.

Monument to S. M. Kirov

Although the city has both an avenue and a Kirov square, a monument to this Soviet-era leader was erected elsewhere - on Rakhova Street. The sculptor is Vilensky. The monument was opened in 1931. The name of the revolutionary is inscribed on the pedestal in large letters. The monument is gray, without unnecessary details, while the image of Kirov turned out to be "alive": it seems that he is about to leave the podium and address the audience.

Monument to A.N. Radishchev

Located next to the art museum. The first version of the monument was made by the sculptor Dunduk in 1918. The composition collapsed from natural causes, and for 20 years a vase stood in this place. In the mid-50s, a second version was installed, now according to the project of Kibalnikov.But the materials were again fragile. The current monument appeared in 1975 - a bust carved in stone on a pedestal.

Monument to Yuri Kiselev

The opening took place in 2018. Yuri Kiselyov - People's Artist of the USSR, founder of the local Youth Theater. It was to the anniversary of the Theater of the Young Spectator that the installation of the monument was timed. The composition is full of symbols. Next to the figure of Kiselyov lies a children's cube, increased in size, and Buratino is having fun with a key in his hands. And Kiselyov himself, as if pulls back the curtain and invites with a gesture to enter the theater.

Monument to the student

It has been located at the State Social and Economic University since 2001. Authors - Andrey and Sergey Shcherbakov. Outwardly, it is a bit like Rodin's The Thinker. The student is busy cramming something, sitting on a pile of books. The monument has two unofficial names: "The night before the exam" and "Shurik" because of the resemblance to the hero of Gaidai's comedies. It is believed that in order to successfully close the session, you need to touch the bronze student's forehead.

Monument to Oleg Yankovsky

The opening took place in 2016. The monument is located in the park next to the Saratov Drama Theater. Here at one time Yankovsky worked. The author of the project is Andrey Shcherbakov. The monument represents the figure of one of the characters played by Oleg Ivanovich - Munchausen. He is about to climb the stairs to the sky. Height - 3.4 meters. The name of the actor and the title “People's Artist” are written on a low pedestal.

Plane-monument An-24B

Exhibited in the square in front of the airport in 2014. This board made its last flight in 1969. Only in 1992 he ended up in Saratov, but they never found a use for him. As a result, the restored and updated An-24B became a monument. It was this model that played an important role in the history of local aviation. Although it has not been used since 2004, in the past, the An-24B helped out with the transportation of both cargo and passengers.

Monument to lovers

It has been located on the banks of the Volga since 2000. A circle is installed on the column, and in it are the faces of lovers, facing each other. A monument was made of iron. Newlyweds come here to tie a ribbon. During the short history of the monument, a legend has developed about the deceased groom and his bride drowned in grief. Only the locals themselves refute the story: you won't be able to drown yourself nearby, as it's too shallow.

Monument to N. Vavilov

The researcher has made a name for himself in the field of plant immunology. He is connected with Saratov by a productive period of work. First, Vavilov was immortalized in the city, having named the street in his honor in 1969. And in 1997 a monument was erected on it. The snow-white figure of Nikolai Ivanovich stands against the background of red brickwork on a pedestal of the same color. You can learn more about the scientist at the Memorial Museum.

"Heart of the Province"

The installation took place in 2000. Located near the government building. The sculptors are the Shcherbakov brothers. The style is modern plastic. The outline of the monument resembles a human heart connected to a motor. There is a lot of abstract in the design. Local residents have different attitudes towards the monument. Some people like the current approach to art. Others, for their absurdity, called the monument “myocardial infarction”.

Monument to Vasily Razumovsky

Opened in 2009 on Bolshaya Cossack Street. Razumovsky was not only an outstanding surgeon and author of dozens of leading scientific works in medicine. He also stood at the origins of the Saratov State Medical University, which now bears his name. The monument is a bronze figure of Vasily Ivanovich, sitting in the rector's chair at a small table. The sculptor is Andrey Shcherbakov.

Memorial "Compatriots who died in local wars"

The grand opening took place in 2009 on the territory of Victory Park. The initiator of the creation of the monument was the local branch of the All-Russian Organization of Veterans. The funds for the implementation of the project were provided by public organizations. Authors - Zaitsev and Sadovsky. Plates with the names of the dead are set in a semicircle, and in the foreground is the figure of a warrior with a tulip in his hands and a lowered submachine gun.
